Monday, March 30, 2015

Surrealistic Theme

For my surreal photo montage, I'm going to make a tattoo come to life. I really admire the artwork tattoo artists come up with especially those who specialize in making natural tattoos like trees and flowers. The photos needed for this project are a photo of a tree from the park, a photo of myself either punching the ground or holding my hand in the air whilst underneath shade, and a picture of a park or forest for the background. Depending on the type of tree, the positioning of my arm will change.

1) If I choose to do the photo with me punching the ground, I want to be in a shady spot. I will be kneeling and my arm will be bent at 90 degrees so my fist is on the ground. The tree tattoo will be from my wrist to my elbow. However, at my wrist, the tattoo will come to life by turning into roots that bury into the ground. At my elbow, the branches will become real branches with leaves that will provide shade over me.

2) If I choose to do the photo with my hand raised high above my head, I will still be in a shaded area. My forearm will face towards the camera and the tree tattoo will stretch from my wrist to a little above my shoulder. The branches of the tattoo will stretch up, turning my fingers into branches. The branches will stretch to the "roof" of surrounding trees.

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